Customize Controls


Click direction and press key:

Repeat latency:

ms (50 to 1000)

Repeat interval:

ms (10 to 500)


Customize Game


Set custom game settings:

Board width:

(5 to 15)

Board height:

(10 to 30)



New piece pause:

100 Hz ticks (0 to 100)

Base level speed:

100 Hz ticks, smaller is faster (20 to 100)

Level-up lines:

lines (5 to 50)

RNG: AI Gain:

Negative: helpful, positive: destructive, 0: off (pure random) (-1.0 to 1.0)

RNG: Drought limit:

Drought level where shape will get x2 chance, 0: off (0 to 200)

RNG: Repeat Reduce:

0: off, 1: slight reduction, 2: high reduction

RNG: Equalize Gain:

0: off, higher values will equalize shape frequencies more aggressively (0.0 to 1.0)

NOTE: Saving will reset the Custom game highscores